OPTAS LTD is a Contract Analytical Laboratory and Consultancy Company established in August 2000. It is an independent laboratory, specialising in developing new analytical techniques and methods to enhance understanding of processes, surfaces and materials in a wide area of applications both within R & D and Manufacturing.
Our services include, raw material issues, pharmaceutical analysis, biomaterial analysis, biomedical devices, protein adsorption, surface treatment, surface analysis, polymer moulding, plasma modification, cleaning and sanitisation, cross contamination, trouble shooting on manufacturing lines and QC failures, to name just a few.
We have built our reputation on the quality of our analytical service, both in expertise and enthusiasm to solve problems and make new discoveries, as well as a rapid response. Please browse through the site to see the scope of what is offered and do not hesitate to contact us if you feel we could be of help to you.
OPTAS LTD achieved the BS EN ISO 9001 2000 standard in June 2001, and currently is certified under BS EN ISO 9001 2015.